Trade with

Thank you for your interest in booking a stall with us for Shaftesbury Feastival.

Thank you for your interest in booking a stall with us at Shaftesbury Feastival on Sunday 5th May. There is no booking form or application form for the market. If you meet our criteria and you are local, and we can fit you in we will do so. Email to ask to be considered.

Trader FAQ's

Trading is between 10a.m and 5p.m. You may arrive from 07.30 to set up. Once you have unpacked your vehicle must be moved to a designated car park or free on street parking by 9a.m on the day of trading. You are not permitted to park next to your stalls unless you are trading directly from your vehicle. 

Stalls are 3 m x 3m or suitcase pitches are 1 m x 1m and you must provide your own gazebo and set up to trade from. If you needed a larger pitch please contact us. We only provide the space to trade. Please make every effort to make your pitch look attractive and colourful. Bunting and flags are very much welcomed.

Our markets focus on local, artisan crafts and foods. We work with Dorset Food and Drinks and a number of makers groups. We permit only two or three  types of each stall unless there are significant differences in the product range we welcome:-

  • Food and drink producers – using local products
  • Artisans that make quality, skilled homemade crafts
  • Talented local artists and photographers
  • Plants and garden related retail – plants, cut flowers and garden décor
  • Gardenalia and external decoration including salvage
  • Vintage clothes and fabulous antique finds
  • Furniture and homeware producers using upcycled or recycled products or made to order
  • Local produce (fruit/veg/preserves/sweets/cheese/packaged biscuits etc)

Dorset Artisan Markets Ltd is a limited company that has markets and events across Dorset and Somerset. Please see our main website for a current list of markets and events.

With the low price and flexibility provided, stalls cannot be refunded once purchased. If we cancel a market, we will roll your pitch fee to a future market. If you cancel or fail to show up on the day you will lose your pitch fee. If you book a pitch and an invoice is issued you must pay for the pitch even if you cancel it before the event, any changes to invoices will incur a £5 admin fee. 

If you are selling alcohol then you must apply to the appropriate local Council for your own TEN. 


Shaftesbury Feastival 3 x 3 m £40 plus VAT Suitcase £5 plus VAT

Stall set up for businesses will be from 7.30am – 9am in the morning. Please check in with our market stewards when you arrive at the area where you are trading from.

The markets will be open for visitors from 10.00 am – 5.00pm.

We have a fabulous Health and Safety Officer, Lady Alex. When you arrive at the market you will need to bring a file with the following documents to be checked.

  • All Traders Public liability insurance at least £3 million
  •  All Traders – Gas Safety Certificates (If relevant)
  •  All Traders – Electrical Safety Certificates (If relevant)
  • Food Traders – Which Local Authority are you registered with? 
  •  Food Traders – Food safety report from Local Authority
  •  Food Traders – Food Hygiene Certificates
  •  Food Traders – Food Safety Management System (Copy on site) (safe food better business book)
  •  Food Traders –  Allergen’s poster MUST be displayed
  •  Food Traders – RAMS (this should be in their SFBB) risk assessment and method statement.

exhibitors terms
and conditions

  • You must arrive and set up within the designated set up times  (7.45 am-9am) to give time to put in place the various signage before we open the area at 10.00am. If you arrive after 9 am you will not be allowed to set up.
  • You must have your stall in situ for the entire trading hours of the market (10.00am-5pm)  unless given express permission by the event management team that you can pack away early on inclement days.
  • If the weather is inclement, we will notify you by 4 pm the day before if the market is to be cancelled. If we cancel the market your pitch and fees will roll over to the next market. If you decide not to turn up due to inclement weather or for any other reason, then you forfeit your pitch fee and you may run the risk of not being selected for the next market.
  • Under no circumstances must your vehicle remain on your pitch during the trading hours of the market.
  • No naked flames, gas cylinders or generators are permitted on site and vehicles engines must be switched off. Exemptions apply for food traders.
  • You may not be located in the same spot on consecutive markets. We will try our best to ensure you have a regular space but where this is not possible, we will find a suitable alternative. Bookings open in October each year and pitches are allocated on a first come first served basis.
  • You must provide your own gazebo and must not trade from your vehicle unless by advance permission.
  • You must take home all your own waste and rubbish at the end of each day.
  • No electricity or water is available on site for exhibitors to plug or plumb in to, sorry.
  • Any issues or incidents must be reported to the event management team as soon as possible.
  • The Event manager’s decision about any issue is final on the day and we reserve the right to enforce the rules set out above.
  • Exhibitors not complying with safety rules and others Ts & Cs expressed here will be asked to leave the market immediately (and without refund of all or part repayment of their booking fees) and will not be permitted to return.
  • Invoices are for payment by the date on the invoice, if your invoice remains unpaid we will allocate the next trader on the waiting list
  • Social media is key to our advertising, please follow our social media and provide us with your social media links 
  • Your pitch is not guaranteed until it is paid for. 

When you book, you agree to abide by these terms.

We are always looking for new and interesting traders. If you would like to book a stall then please email stating which markets you would like to book for and what size pitch you would like, we will need a product list and pictures of your stall. If you are selected we will issue you with an invoice to pay in order to reserve your stall the invoice must be paid by the date on the invoice and in every event before the market trading day.